I didn't know anything about James Brown before watching this film and I didn't even know many of his songs but now I know a lot more. This film has a similar feel to Dream Girls and Ray and that is because the main character is really arrogant and can't see past himself. I would have been amazed by his behaviour at times had I not already seen it whilst watching Ray and Dream Girls. The guy had one hell of a voice that really screamed out at you but no singer is anything without the people behind them playing the music for them. Most singers don't write their own music, yet they used to waltz around the stage as if they were the best thing on earth because they had the talent and charisma to front the band instead of being a better than decent musician playing behind and making the music that makes the singer great.
What can I say about the film? I love these kind of films, films with the music in that allow someone to get inside the person and play a character. I love the characters that come out. You can get really bored by reading articles about these guys but after watching the film you get to see so much of their personality, who they are when they perform, who they are in the studio, who they are at home and even who they were before they were famous. Soul music really is something that you need a talent for because fronting a soul band requires you to dance as well as having the voice to lead the line.
So what actually made this film fantastic? All the cast need a massive shout. Chadwick Boseman really needs a massive shout for his portrayal of James Brown. Sometimes the hardest challenge you can have as an actor is playing a character that is a complete asshole. The performance was near perfect and I am so happy that I can write about it instead of getting upset by it.