Clerks 2 starts off with the burning down of the shop from the first film. Randall left something on that managed to catch fire and send the entire building up in flames. So it's not the same setting as they all have to move to working in some burger king like place in America. Randall seems to be the same as ever- making general mistakes with people's names and offending people. The part where he kicks the ass of two LOTR fans was genius (even if I am more of a rings fan than a star wars fan).
I don't really remember Dante ever having a fiancee in the first film so If she doesn't feature in that film then this is a cast addition but otherwise it is the same main cast of 5/6 and the same low budget style. I can't help but get the feeling that they spent the budget on the Jackson 5 Dance sequence that takes place towards the end of the movie. What seems like a simple plot is not entirely as simple as it appears but we all like a twist and a positive ending. Ben Affleck's cameo was also nice.
The soundtrack is great and the entire thinking behind it of you don't need a lot of money or a star to make a good movie is entirely fulled by these films but they don't work for everyone. Watch works for Clerks and the sequel is that most of us have worked in a shop at some point and the smaller the shop the less staff there are so you do have conversations of a similar nature in your shop while you are working. It's not completely unrealistic but there are things that Randal says when you just think that whoever was hiring them would have fired them for saying something like that.
I actually felt that this film was better than the first film but I may be the only one who felt that way.
Unfortunately I don't have anything scheduled while I am away so I may surprise you with one post but there wont be frequent posts for the next two weeks.