The song choice is better, the plot is better, everything is better. There is still the comedy but they go back to where they are and this movie is just about each of them working out who they want to be and where they want to go. There is a lot more focus on 'Fat Amy' (Rebel Wilson) which is nice because she really was fighting with 'Becca' (Anna Kendrick) for the spotlight. They worked hard on this movie and the compilation of songs is brilliant. It kinda went a way that I wasn't expecting but the film felt finished and we enjoyed it a lot more than the previous movie.
It is fitting that they managed to get in 'Zombie' by 'The Cranberries' because for those of you who aren't rock fans, you probably wont know that the singer died a few weeks ago. I enjoyed their version of it and I was very impressed and excited by it. DJ Khaled was himself because he was supposed to be himself. I didn't really know who he was until watching this movie and even though I hate that he ripped off 'Maria Maria' which features Carlos Santana on the guitar I can learn his other music and I quite like that he is a DJ and a producer rather than attempting to sing or rap. Anyone that can make Justin Bieber sound slightly bearable deserves a lot of credit. It's all about your taste in music but he was solid in this movie and that can only help to promote his music.
The one thing that I did like a lot was the British love interest for Becca. The character of 'Theo' was actually very good and he did everything that he needed to do in order to bring Becca to a new level. The Jesse love interest is over and done with and there wasn't anywhere else they could go with it so giving her a new life and a new interest has actually worked out very well for this movie.
There is class to this movie. If you enjoyed the first movie then you should enjoy this movie.