Sorry that it's been something like a week since i last posted (if not longer). Finding the time to watch films like this is becoming harder and harder but i will keep trying and i will finish this challenge before the new year!
This weeks film is All about Eve. Yes it's another black and white classic and i do apologise for that, unfortunately the black and white films are what's available to me at the moment and most of the interesting stuff that is left isn't going to be watched until november.
I find it harder to judge black and white films because the quality of acting is in a way, lower that the quality that we sometimes see now but maybe it's not the acting that is low but the equipment?
this is all that IMDB has to say on the plot:
An ingenue insinuates herself in to the company of an established but aging stage actress and her circle of theater friends.
This weeks film is All about Eve. Yes it's another black and white classic and i do apologise for that, unfortunately the black and white films are what's available to me at the moment and most of the interesting stuff that is left isn't going to be watched until november.
I find it harder to judge black and white films because the quality of acting is in a way, lower that the quality that we sometimes see now but maybe it's not the acting that is low but the equipment?
this is all that IMDB has to say on the plot:
The cast of Bette Davis, Ann Baxter and George Sanders are arguably a very good cast and are perfect for this film. The problem isn't with the cast, i think that it is with the plot. You can usually tell a good film from a bad film by the plot or at least the amount written on IMDB and this has possibly the smallest plot summary I've ever seen on IMDB.
It certainly lacks action or well anything really. It's kinda like Fred Estaire films but at least they have interesting music and some great dance sequences, this doesn't even have that. Don't make a point of watching it before you die and it's not a must see film.
All about Eve is probably very good for it's time but not great in the world of film and was certainly outdone by the sixties and the likes of Hitchcock setting a new standard only ten years after this film was made. It's passive and easy to watch but not captivating or even particularly interesting. I'll say that it is more interesting than 2001 a space odyssey but then i've yet to find a film that is worse!
See you all next time!
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