Matt Damon stars as Will Hunting- the brilliant mathematician that is actually a janitor at MIT. The Sweedish guy from Pirates of the Caribbean and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo stars as the math professor, Ben Afleck is Will's friend that drives him everywhere and Robin Williams is the genius in the film.
Robin Williams is absolutely amazing and Matt Damon at that age is much better than how he was in Oceans Eleven. Some people say that Matt Damon is overrated but I don't think that he is. Yeah he makes some films better than others but so does everyone... he's not like most actors that make a whole bunch of terrible films and only a few good ones in their career.
Ben Afleck and Matt Damon wrote the script for the film and I have to say that I really enjoyed the film. I don't think much of Ben Afleck- I have really only liked him in Daredevil and this ( Armageddon he was ok in but nothing more and lets not go back to Argo) so it is nice to watch a film with him in that isn't complete rubbish.
The film also has Gerry Rafferty's Baker Street which if any of you are saxophonists you will know has a brilliant saxophone riff throughout that most of us love to play.
I actually really liked this film. It's not comedy or action or even particularly funny, it's just got all the right things in it at the right point.
I always have to be careful about the films that my sister recommends... some of them, like the madness musical have been really awful but this one was another to go on the list of good recommendations.
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