I feel like it would be a waste of time to talk about Johnny Depp because I have already spent so much time on the blog talking about him in other films and what a fantastic actor he is, how he manages to change roles convincingly in everything that he does etc.
There are a few names that I feel I should spend my time talking about. Paul Bettany, his performance is superb. Two thumbs way up for that man because this role is not one that i have seen from him before. I wont pretend to be a expert on him and I certainly haven't seen tons of his films but from the characters that spring to mind, this is just something completely different. I was really encouraged by his performance, the voice changed and everything about him changed, if it didn't look like Betany then I probably would have struggled to pin it down to him.
Gwyneth Paltrow was another that i was impressed with. I had kinda become accustomed to seeing her in Glee and lets be honest, that is not an accurate representation of her abilities. In this film she got to show what she was made of. Strong and willing, showing who was really running things and I loved her from start to finish.
The film itself wasn't actually funny as such but it had a very pleasant feel to it that just made it really easy to watch and enjoy. It wasn't trying to be too clever with the plot, it had almost stripped everything back to the core and just embraced the idea and the vision that went with the script writing. The settings were fabulous and I particularly loved the feature of the Rolls Royce in the film. Every English Gentlemen should own and drive a Rolls Royce.