This ended up on my list because it starred Alec Guinness and he is totally awesome in everything but even so, my heart did sink slightly when I read the synopsis and discovered what it was about. This film was very surprisingly good. The synopsis gives off the impression that it is something else completely, another boring war film kinda like kingdom of heaven or all's quiet on the western front but it wasn't.

I see this film as the foundations for the making of the best exotic marigold hotel. The locations are lovely and the plot is actually a work of art instead of something that was stolen from another film and adapted ever so slightly. The other thing that I liked about this film was that it wasn't out-dated. I don't feel that this film is particular to the period, even though it is set when England occupied India. This film is something that could quite easily be remade and not have anything in the script altered. The language isn't dated, it's just old because of the equipment and the actors, if you stuck a couple of new faces in it and took new equipment to the place it would look as if it wasn't written twenty years later and would still be a very good film.
I think that what I liked best was that it had a happy ending but that there were several twists and turns in the plot to get there. Nothing started off negative and nothing was ridiculous, it was all real and very accurate.
I spent the entire film trying to work out which character was being played by Alec Guinness so I am happy that he wasn't obvious, very happy that i still don't know which character he was playing!
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