Where to start?
John Travolta has developed a reputation as being a good gangster and even a good criminal bad guy. In this film, for a change he actually got to be the main guy instead of something similar to his role in Pulp Fiction. I have seen him as Chilly Palmer and in Pulp Fiction but this is a completely different side to him. Part of Chilly Palmer came out in this film but not the whole of it, this was more controlled, very believable.
Hugh Jackman, the man that we have become accustomed to seeing growl at people and beat everyone up shirtless. This role for him was more of a hacker and less like Wolverine. It really made a pleasant change to see him as a man that didn't like violence and didn't hit first and ask questions later. The character was very predictable but that didn't make it a bad portrayal, that was just the way in which the character was written. I actually enjoyed seeing him as someone completely different. I enjoyed seeing the compassion that is mostly lost in X-Men.
Don Cheadle, the man who has contreversial performances. Made his name with Hotel Rwanda and was absolutely outstanding in that film. The next thing that I saw him in was Ocean's Eleven and I think that people thought that Cockney didn't really work for him and weren't very convinced. I quiet liked him in it. Then came his taking over from Terrence Howard, which wasn't easy and try his best, it wasn't enough to match Terrence Howard. He probably would have been brilliant in the role if he hadn't have taken over from someone who had set the standard so high.
This was a change of character for him, sorta more relaxed and only a supporting cast in this film, featuring at the start and end of the film for the most part. I think that he was good enough. Not enough opportunities to showcase the talent that we know is there but he did the best with what he was given.
Halle Berry... actually impressed with her. I always think that she is very overrated but I will give it to her in this film. she was actually good in this film. Her character probably had the most detail and development and it actually really suited her. It's just a shame that she doesn't do more of it.
A kinda different crime thriller movie but still a good film.
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