I may now have to go and watch the first film to freshly remind myself of what happened because I am starting to blur it with the other film that was released in July in the UK. This film was a lot harder to follow because I don't really remember the end of the first film. I thought that it ended with them up on top of some huge building and they saved the day. Now in this film they have stopped being 'The Ghostbusters', are doing children's parties and are separated. When they come back together they are hated, mocked and even though they are needed a certain two people are afraid of them and wont call them until they really have to.
Bill Murray is arrogant, this film is about Dan Aykroyd, his control, how he pulls the team together. There wasn't enough in this film to make it as good as the first film. There wasn't really anything in it accept a few ghosts, a plot to take over New York and a small amount of action for the guys in suits at the end. I still prefer the newest film, it has more action and more logic along with more comedy and more quality but we can't or shouldn't take anything away from the original film. This film was not great but there are far worse sequels out there than this one.
It was good to hear the old theme tune, see the car driving around and see the old team back together. There should be a Ghostbusters film where they actually embrace the Ghostbusters and just let them work. If people believe in ghosts then there is always going to be a need for people to help them to settle their fears and demons and these guys (or women) manage that so just make a film that is a little different and stop trying to run the same plot over and over.

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