With her character this time being more of a 'bitch' in manner and her having marital problems with her husband, who got drunk and broke his foot hurdling in the club sports ground, she is in for a tough ride against her brother in law and his wife who seem to be in the business of knowing everything about them. Sucking up to 'big daddy' because they think that he is dying and want his money when he dies it is anybody's game but makes for good watching. The first thing she does is insult one of the girls, who promptly throws ice cream at her, so she throws some back. The next thing that she does is spend most of the film fighting with her husband.
Paul Newman doesn't have much to do except drink a lot and act angry for most of the time. His eyes are apparently what made him attractive, with them having that intense blue feel that Daniel Craig and Frank Sinatra have/had. There are two great lines in this film, with the first coming from Paul Newman 'Why don't you just kill yourself? Because I like to drink' and the second coming from Taylor 'I am going to spit in your eye and then punch it black and blue'. I do love some of the clever remarks people can make in awkward conversations and the remarks people make in bitch conversation.
The worst thing about this film is character names. 'Big Daddy', 'Big Mummy', 'Grooper' and 'Brick'. I mean, seriously? I've heard of many stupid names but this bunch tops the lot! If I was called 'Brick' I would probably have a drinking problem as well. However, the point of this film is that love is more important than money. With a guy being left nothing by his father and having to make his fortune for himself, he then doesn't learn to love his family and only has a family so that his legacy will live on but when he wants to leave it to the son he likes best, Brick turns it all down because all he wanted was to be loved by his father. It's a complicated ending with a lot of shouting at each other but a nice final shot.

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