Tuesday 9 May 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy 2

I am Groot. The cast and crew that made such a phenomenal hit two years ago with the first film have returned to bring the eighties music back to the world with a new set list and a baby Groot to set things off in style.

The first five minutes of this film are just hilarious. Watching baby Groot dance to the eighties music whilst every other member of his team is busy shooting at some thick skinned monster just had the entire cinema laughing. He is totally oblivious to everything else going on around him at that point and has become a firm lover of the somewhat less fashionable music that rocked the seventies and eighties. This is without a doubt Vin Diesel's best role...ever.

Image result for guardians of the galaxy 2Stallone comes into the squad for this movie (to reunite with his buddy Michael Rooker from Cliffhanger) as a character that will become bigger in the next film. When his name came up at the start I did frown a little because I am not the biggest fan of him but with him only having two scenes worth of screen time it actually panned out very well for him. Yondu (Michael Rooker) has more screen time, is a much bigger character and is the real hero of this film. With his character only playing a supporting role he manages to steal all the emotion and screen time in the last few scenes and well played to him because the character opens up a little but never comes out of character, never stops being that difficult guy with the whistle arrow.

With the focus not so much on Gamora (Zoe Saldana) and her father this film turns it focus onto Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) and his parents, ultimately his father and discovering why he is only half human and just how cool things can be when he knows the truth but there is always a hitch. The planet Ego has a very Rivendel feel to it, it is beautiful but lonely and you could start to read the script about five minutes before it came, which was something of a disappointment. However, that being said, it was possibly the only disappointment as there is character development for every character in this film excluding baby Groot who is just adorable and has all the best scenes.

For the music, for the action, for acknowledging that this is Bradley Cooper's best role (Rocket) and for the laughter that it produced (mostly from Drax) you need to watch this film. Drax makes everyone laugh with how insensitive he is. I thought that I was blunt but he is far blunter than I ever am because I don't openly tell people that they are hideous. Got to love every character in this film and the comics that they were based on. Also be sure to watch out for the Marvel typical Stan Lee cameo.

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