Beverly Hills. Where to begin? I see a lot familiar faces in this film. 'Neil' from 'The Santa Claus' and 'Clifford' from 'Some Kind Of Wonderful' are two cops who team up with Eddie Murphy. One doesn't trust him or like him and the other eats all the food that is offered to him and attempts to have his back. There's comedy in this film but it comes down the same police story I have seen many times. A police officer is disgraced and put on vacation and uses it to get at a criminal in Beverly Hills.
This film is good enough. It's dated and I am struggling to imagine what the real attraction of it would have been because no one in this film was convincing and the only conclusion I can reach is that this film is the basis for 'Rush Hour' but that doesn't help much because I found Chris Tucker so irritating that I didn't enjoy that film. I didn't find it funny and I found everything to be unrealistic but this is a personal opinion. All of them have done better things with their careers and it hasn't stopped anyone in this film carrying on with their careers which is very good. Beverly Hills Cop is the foundation for many other film ideas but it didn't quite come off this time around. Needless to say that I will not be reviewing the sequels.

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