The first film was all about Richard Attenborough (for me anyway). This film features him less and i more about the common and frequent stupidity of America, as such is a popular theme to display in movies. The same guy who suffered on the lost Island 4 years prior now how to return because a small team have already been sent over to the Island and he cares about the woman who has been sent. Of course, when InGen soldiers come to storm the Island they threaten the Dinosaurs who were quite peaceful until the invasion but when you pick on something bigger than you, you are, as every child knows, likely to loose.
This time around they decide that it would be a really good idea to take a T-Rex back to America and let it storm San Diego. The film is old, it's 20 years old and you can see it in the quality of film. It's Spielberg and so the film is always going to be good, the quality, for the time in which the film was made is always going to be good but it is starting to get a little dated. We have to appreciate it for what it is and that does help people who are afraid of Dinosaurs because it looks like the Dinosaurs are robotic, which makes them less scary (and me very happy).
As of the end of this film I can't find a reason to make another film. It's another chaotic situation in America using non-human life forms, the film world of America should be used to it by now. After the first film we all wanted to see how things would develop but what are they really going to do in the next film? Storm the Island again fight with Dinosaurs again? There are five of these films and I feel like they may be turning in to another 'Die Hard' or 'Mission Impossible' series where the first one or two films are good and then the rest are just remakes of the previous films. I hope not because I like Spielberg and Richard Attenborough. I enjoyed this film more than the first film.

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