When Angelina Jolie made these movies I loved them and I think that most people did but we were always a little curious as to why, in the first movie, an American was playing a Brit while a Brit was playing and American. Maybe they haven't quite got round to casting a Brit in this role but at least we didn't have the same problem this time around.
There have been many questions going through my head since those movies were made. How did she maintain her money when she seemed to not really do any work? Why are the games SO different from the two movies that were made? I guess the idea is that they took a concept and made it work but as the games got more popular and started to develop back stories and more of a plot we as an audience started demanding more from our movies and so they decided to reboot the movies and draw on the games a little more.
This movie is like a prequel to the Jolie movies. This film explains what happens when her father goes missing and how she continues to live. Then she finds her father and has a bit of an adventure with him and manages to be like a female 'Indiana Jones' as well which means that we got a feeling of watching two movies at the same time! When this movie ends we know what she is going to do with her time, what happened to her father and what to expect from the next movie. The use of a bow and arrow reflects on the game character and also explains to us that being rich didn't mean that she grew up running around with guns. She only transfers to guns at the end and always prefers the bow and arrow. Everything about this setting has more reflection on some of the games and whatever people thought of the film wont seriously hinder the development of these movies because the games are so successful.
I really enjoyed this movie. I enjoyed the £2.50 I spent on it, the company of Bekah and the overall feel of the movie. I enjoyed Dominic West as her father and spent most of the movie staring at him asking myself where I knew him from (The Affair). Kristen Scott-Thomas was superb and her character is going to be one to watch with slight enjoyment. The same can be said for Derek Jacobi because I have many suspicions about his character role and I am waiting for the next movie to confirm or deny my suspicions.
Next up is Close Encounters of the Third Kind and then Ready Player One.