The introduction of Black Panther in Avengers was much better than the introduction of Wonder woman in Batman vs Superman or Spiderman in Avengers. This is a superhero who only cares to protect his people. He doesn't use his powers to fight every evil that comes his way but only the ones that threaten his life and his world which in some ways could make him a little self centred but most superheroes are underneath it all.
Black Panther is a family affair. It takes you through a brief history and then moves to the current affairs of Wakanda. It is full of action, conflict, technology, compassion and morals. None of the stunts looked unreal and they resisted the temptation to go overboard with the technology or the sequencing which made it feel more real.
In this movie there is an obvious villain who at times is a little unnecessary but is probably one of the most controlled villains portrayed in a movie for a long time. What I liked the most about him was that you could understand why he was doing what he was doing but you could also see that it was wrong and was not going to do any good. This is more than a battle of good and evil and that makes it a lot easier to watch.
This was better than Spiderman and Wonder woman. This is better than any superhero movie that has ever been made. Black Panther is incredible and if they can continue to make exceptional stand alone movies then Black Panther will have the longest screen time of any hero in the cinematic universe. There is so much potential for crossovers within the cinematic universe as long as they do them properly. So many people got a chance to shine in this movie with stars like Forest Whitaker and Martin Freeman leading the line there was space for new stars and for old names like Andy Serkis to take on a different role.
I saw this movie with my brother and he was happy with the movie. He said that it followed the story of the comics and that it was true to itself. This movie was about putting Wakanda on the map and giving us a taste of what could be done and now it is time for the creators and cast to rise up, make more of these movies to this high standard and go also take the time to make a few different movies and show us what they can really do. Daniel Kuwayla has already done a few things such as 'Black Mirror' and 'Get Out'. This movie will help further his career but he needs to build on it and expand the platform that he has created for himself.
Everyone involved in this movie should be proud of themselves.
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