Tuesday 12 February 2019

Alita: Battle Angel

I didn't want to write about this movie before it had been released because it is so fantastic. One of the most highly anticipated movies of the year and for a good reason. James Cameron (Avatar) is back producing it and with him comes the technology used in Avatar to create the character of Alita.

Manga lovers will appreciate this movie even more as there is space to grow and develop because *spoiler alert* it doesn't end properly.

First things first: when you watch this movie, watch it in Imax 3d, it is phenomenal. It is so much more real in 3d than it ever would be in 2d.
This is the tail of a character, who is thrown down from the city above called Zalem and is only left with a head and a heart. A doctor locates her in the scrapyard and gives her a new body, thus bringing her back to life. Alita starts to learn how to use her body and discovers that she is a trained fighter. As she is fighting she starts to remember things and makes a friend. Her friend takes her to a fallen ship and there she locates her new body. The body that was designed for people of her kind and only her kind. She becomes a hunter warrior in the attempt to make enough money to help send Hugo (Keean Johnson) to Zalem. The only way to do this is to ask Vector (Mahershala Ali) to send you up to Zalem in exchange for a fee.

Alita (Rose Salazar) battles in contests and all of it is thoroughly entertaining. She is, of course, accompanied by Hugo and Doctor Ido (Christoph Waltz), who gave her a body and raises her. By the end of this movie there is no love interest. By doing that Robert Rodriguez has eliminated the possibility of weakening her character for love in any future movies.

This movie is just thoroughly enjoyable. As far as action goes, it is packed with it. The stunts are phenomenal but not unreal and there are no really cheesy lines in the script writing. Both Robert Rodriguez and James Cameron have done themselves proud with this movie and have a really great thing going, should they chose to continue it. Jennifer Connelly plays the wife of Doctor Ido, who has been working for Vector in exchange for a return to Zalem but in the end she stops doing the wrong things and starts doing the right things. Her character is another strong character with so much room for development and it is really exciting to think of the possibilities for this franchise. 

Just make sure that you watch this film and for your own sake, spend the extra money and watch it in 3d.
Image result for alita battle angel

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