(if anyone is a fan of the YU-GI-OH spoof of 'Bad Romance' you'll be singing it all the time you watch the film!)
Having only seen her in High Society, I was amazed to see her in a hitchcock film. I was also amazed to see a hitchcock film that didn't involve a shower and lots of dead bodies.
Not much happens in this film. A guy sits in a wheelchair at his window watching his neighbours and soon becomes aware that one of his neighbours has 'misplaced' his wife. Being a journalist, he refuses to dismiss the idea that the wife is just sick and hiding indoors.
Of course he turns out to be correct. Grace Kelly sneaks into the apartment and discovers the wife's wedding ring. She of course then gets arrested for breaking into someone else's house, but she takes the ring with her and so the man can't get back the proof that his wife is dead and not sick.
This film isn't as capturing as Psycho or other Hitchcock horror films, but its still watchable and quite enjoyable. You can't beat Hitchcock... he's still one of the best movie makers ever, along with the likes of Spielberg.
It's been a while since I watched the film... I think I watched it some time last month and have watched about ten films in between watching Rear Window and writing this post.
I know I've been slow with it all, I haven't really been around. I also apologise that all the posts are coming from me- Est hasn't really been watching the films and so hasn't posted.
The post on 'The Artist' is LONG overdue- It will be next. I'm scheduling it so that a new post should go up everyday.. to try and get back on track with all the posts.
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