She is superb. Very typically Streisand but enjoyable nonetheless.
Once again she is putting her voice to good use but this time in public speaking. Instead of being the dominant leading lady, she plays the leading lady in a much more minor role, not taking center stage and working more with her husband and the other characters. It would be fair to say that everything she is in this film is the opposite to what she was in Funny Girl (in my opinion).
I love to see versatility. Those of you that have been following this blog and have actually been reading all the posts will have noticed that i can't stand actors who only ever act as themselves. That's not talent- anyone can do it and most people do do it on a general everyday basis.
The way we were was refreshing. The style was typical of that era but even so it was a change from the other films that i had been watching. I'm not really sure how to put it but i felt like there was a more relaxed feel to it. The tempo was slower, i almost wanted to start singing as time goes by during the film!
I liked the presentation... actually i liked everything about it. I didn't jump up and down for joy whilst watching it but i liked it well enough to enjoy it, enjoy it more than i have enjoyed a film in a long time.
You may be wondering why i haven't written about Robert Redford. The answer is kinda easy- it takes a while for his character to get going and i haven't seen anything else with him in so i didn't feel that i could write as much about him as i could about Streisand. Robert Redford definitely played his part in the film but in many ways he was overshadowed.
I know that we are coming to the end of this series of posts and making way for the film challenge 2015, we still have something like 5 films left to go so that should take us up to the end of this week and maybe the end of next week. Stick with me for the last five films on the list before a short break and then a bog plunge into the next exciting chapter.
See you all tomorrow!
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