Hey all, I know that things are kinda going slowly on the blog but i don't have many films left to watch and I don't want to end it with like a month of nothing so i'm taking my time about posting. There should be two other posts following this, one in mid week and the other next weekend.
So I've been working my way through and I've come to the latest Jack Ryan film. For those of you that know a thing or two about it then you will know that this is kinda a latest addition to the character that was made so famous by Alec Baldwin. It's more of a reboot of the franchise and very different from all the other films.
Starring Chris Pine and Keira Knightley. I am not Chris Pine's biggest fan. Seeing him in Star Trek was great, i thought that he could act after i had seen those films but after seeing a few others such as Into the Woods and a few other things I realised that he couldn't act, he just used his eyebrows and looks to pretend that he could act.
I felt that he was different in this film. I was happier with his performance, it was almost worthy of high praise and certainly worthy of praise. Next to him was Keira Knightley who was surprisingly good, so good that i almost couldn't tell that it was her. I normally think that she can't act and is fairly rubbish but she was really good in this film. I think that when she isn't playing someone that every man is after then she gets to showcase some talent. She has come a long way in this film.
There were some great scenes and I think that what i liked the best was that the fight scenes weren't overdone and weren't too long. I didn't feel like he was taking too much damage for it to be real and i didn't feel like he was being completely overpowered. Everything about it was fairly solid and I'm kinda glad that they made the film in the way that they did.