So what can I say about this film? It was very funny but overall it was a rubbish film. Looking at the cast you would think that it would be a really good film- after all- the Expendables was and are very good films but this film in typical Ben Stiller style had very little plot to it and just emphasised how bad he really is. When you don't have a decent plot or- well- anything then it is hard to make a good movie out of it and no amount of superb actors can turn that around.
I will say that I really liked Tom Cruise in his role. I didn't realise that it was him until his name came up on the credits. For me, he was so different from anything that I have seen him in that I actually enjoyed him in this film. This film can truly be compared to Rebecca Black's 'Friday' because it is a true example of someone with too much money and no real talent thinking that they have talent when they don't and using their money to punish other people. I don't know why Robert Downey Jr or Jack Black agreed to be in this film because it did nothing to help their reputations. Guys like that don't need to make rubbish films because they spend most of their time making good films!
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