The theme was fantastic, the music throughout was stunning and the plot was much better than the modern attempt made in the remake to capture the interest of children and young people. What this film proves is that you don't need to modernise something to make it good, you just need to have a great plot and a decent cast.
Peter Sellers is a genius at comedy. This is managed by him not actually playing for laughs. Everything that he does could be passed off as an accident and you just think of him as an unfortunate man. Everything that happened was unfortunate or clumsy but totally possible and that gave a smooth feel to the film. Short bursts of laughter masked by the bigger picture.
I had worked out who the Phantom was almost instantly but then the plot got a little more confusing and opened up the story a little and so as the movie went on I was still convinced but not quite sure about some of the other characters. The twist at the end I didn't see coming. I almost wanted to curse the women at the end and shout bad things at the screen but I didn't. They were played so well and were such clever characters but managed to make an enemy out of me and it bothered me.
I really enjoyed this film. Nothing beats sitting back on the weekend with a glass of wine and watching an old film with quality actors that aren't around any more and just being able to appreciate the true genius of film.