Where to start? Jason Statham makes an excellent bad guy. Statham is more convincing that Vin Diesel because although he is not as well built as Diesel he is much more believable when a woman kisses him. Kissing Vin Diesel is like kissing Sylvester Stallone- it just makes me want to vomit because he isn't the romantic hero in any way.
What I liked about this film was that everything was thought out carefully. The devices in the car, the changing of the number plate and the way that he moved- nothing was reckless, everything suggested a calculated man that had prepared for every possible outcome. This film had a James Bond feel to it but was less daring and less risky than any James Bond movie. Statham also does not give off a vibe of being someone that could be compromised by a woman.
Almost a Denzel Washington feel about this film which I liked, Calm at all times and simple minded. Jason Statham makes a perfect hero with a villainous side to him. I know that there is something like another three films after this and if I can find a way to slip them in then I will happily watch the others as well.

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