Now they decided to corrupt Star Wars further by making another three films. I decided not to waste the money on going to see it in cinema for an extortionate amount and I am so grateful that I did because it was shocking. I am not 'a true believer' and I can't see the need for making this film which could not have any kind of plot. Everything about it was awful, or almost everything. BB8 was fantastic but nothing else was okay. There was no enemy, the sith were gone, Luke was the last Jedi and even though Leya had the powers flowing through her she never used them so where did this evil guy train??
His lightsaber was terrible and the weapon that was a deathstar was shocking as well. I skipped scenes that were just pointless and a waste of time. I am trying to find something positive to say about the film but JJ Abrahms just made it almost exactly like what it would have been if George Lucas had directed it- the screen wipes and the same John Williams music with the same rubbish plot and unnecessary need for anything. What was the point in making this film??
The millions of people world wide who loved this film- I can't see why. If I wanted to watch a new hope I would have just watched a new hope and I would have felt a lot better about what I was watching. I loved R2 being brought back to this film and I loved that Anthony Daniels can carry on his legacy of being in all the films but that is kinda where the list of what I like actually stops.
Sorry for upsetting millions of people world wide.