No, I don't really understand French, at least, not at the speed needed to translate what is being said. The plot I got from reading about it on Wikipedia and then I treated it like a silent movie but with colour. I sat back in my chair with a hot chocolate and a footstool and just watched the expressions of and body language of the people on the screen and I have to say that I really enjoyed it.
3 years on I am wondering how I have kept it going for so long. The blog doesn't attract more than about 9 views a day when a new post comes out and it is never going to be popular. I spend most of the time writing for myself to read, no one comments and no one contributes to the blog with suggestions. I didn't study film but I have found myself enjoying so many different types of film that I wasn't aware of until I started this blog. I have learnt things along the way about the genres and I hope that as the blog continues I can pick up some more language and start to write some decent reviews of the films that I have seen.
Now I must issue and apology to everyone in this film- I haven't worked out how to do accents on this keyboard and so I am afraid to write the names of the cast because I cannot spell them correctly.
This does not mean that the cast were not good- on the contrary, they were excellent and they really brought the lovely plot of Amelie to life in the way that they each played a character. Well duh, it's acting... that doesn't mean anything. Not all actors can play a character, they can play themselves and sometimes they can play a role but very few manage to bring out what's underneath in the character, bring out that wow factor that makes you at times unsure about the character and at the same time feel like you know the character in the way that Mark Harmon does in NCIS. I watched this as a silent movie and I felt like I understood the characters. The simplicity in the costumes and make up were neither too much nor too little for the characters, it gave each actor the platform that they needed with the room to perform on the highest stage.
Amelie is, entirely, a love story but one that is played out to be not entirely a love story. Hepburn esq feel to it yet there is also something there that changes the feel and leaves you a little uncertain. You cannot predict how the film is going to turn out, you want to predict that love conquers all but until you have seen the entire film you cannot be sure.
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