Right from the start, without reading the synopsis or anything I got a ballimorey feel and that told me everything that I needed to know about the film. At no point was it boring because I wanted to see how far Truman would go to find out the truth but realising from so early on just sapped a little bit of the sting out of it from the start and at times did make it harder to stay focused.
Another Jim Carey film and I have to be honest and say that I hadn't realised that he starred in the film otherwise I would not have watched it so close to watching the mask. I have become pleased with his earlier performances. I don't find him comical in anyway and it almost makes me sick when he tries to be funny. Likewise I don't find him particularly serious- there's just something about him that makes him good as the guy that is always trying to be serious but somehow never manages it. Not the heartthrob, not an action hero, not even a romantic comedy kind of guy; just the guy that makes the slightly weird films with a slightly different character and trying to be his natural self on screen works for him- I can't understand why he tried to change it.
I don't really recognise anyone else in the film and I am struggling to think of a standout character. Over the years with TV series we have seen how actors playing characters that are in themselves actors really struggle. Matt Le Blanc really struggled in Friends. After Friends he didn't successfully do anything else without playing an actor- do we ever get to see what he can really do or just what the character can do?
Not my favourite film and not a film that I would search for to add to my collection of films but a good enough film with an interesting plot and theory behind it.
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