In a contradiction to that character, the calm character of De Niro removed all stress and tension from the film. The narration of his thoughts helped to explain things but also helped to show how he was feeling and it was calm all the time, even when the situation was almost demanding him to get really angry. Trying out guns and he was calm, didn't look as if he was ever going to miss and more importantly, didn't look as if there was any motive behind what he was trying to do. The only time there was a change was when the look of determination came into his eyes and he decided to transform his body.
The thing that captured me the most was the look of someone that is disturbed that was constantly in his eye after he buys a gun. Not completely psychotic but just that glint in the eye that tells you that something isn't quite right- obsession? Passion? Not determination and not a driven look, a look of someone that is starting to get consumed by a particular idea. It's a look that you can't teach- not in acting school, not in life- it's just a look that some people manage to find and others don't but if you do have it in your repertoire then it will serve you to great effect.
He's the guy that fits in anywhere because he can pass by completely unnoticed. A smart guy, not easily fooled but also one that almost carries a look of slight disgust. It can't be helped, that's just his face but it is something to admire- the way that he plays characters that can pass by unnoticed with a face of a mafia guy is admirable.