As always there seems to be a bit of a conflict with the women involved and also with the men. I have lost count of the number of old dance musicals that I have watched which are really all about a dancer and how he manages to steal a woman off of another man. At times I wish that they would have done something original but I can't go back and change time to make it so, therefore I will have to stop complaining.
It seems pointless to speak about the dancing and the singing. Fred Astaire is famous for his dancing and Bing Crosby for his singing so it is safe to assume that they are going to be fantastic at their specialist talents.
The film setting really means that it should be watched at christmas but I wasn't prepared to wait that long to watch a musical so I skipped ahead six months or so. The setting is nice- in an inn around thanksgiving and christmas time and the warm feeling actually makes you really comfortable, wherever you are watching from. Nothing particularly funny and hardly any criticisms.
If you like old musicals and appreciate the work of Fred Astaire and Bing Crosby then it is definitely a film that you have to watch but if you don't then there is no point in watching it- it is not a film that is going to change your opinion of them.
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