I have missed the music that comes with this film. Hearing the soul and blues that was played constantly throughout this film was sublime. Nothing makes me feel better than to listen to quality music being played with passion and expression. I haven't heard music like this since watching the Get On Up and Dream Girls.
The plot that roles with these films, making them not a film about a historical musical figure but an actual film with a solid story is what makes these stand out above Get On Up or musicals like that. You don't have to be a huge fan of blues or soul but there is something in the music that just makes it reach in to you and pull out the dancer within you. It's contagious- you can't help but love and enjoy these films. Even the stars such as James Brown, Ray Charles and Aretha Franklin added to the dimensions of the music but did not steal the show in anyway. I was more surprised to see Carrie Fisher feature towards the end of the movie. I was under the impression that she had basically ruined her career with Star Wars and that she hadn't done anything else, let alone anything else of note since making those films.
So let's take a look at the stars- Dan Akroyd- he's just fantastic in this role. The timbre of his voice, the bass that isn't a lead bass but is perfectly suited to getting the crowd going is fitting for the guy in sun glasses and a dark suit all the time. John Belushi is perfect alongside him as the other blues brother (Jake), the guy with the lead vocal talent and someone that I don't remember featuring in the first film. Together the partnership that they make is incomparable to anything else that I can think of. Not necessarily looking the most like brothers that I have ever seen but working together as one of the best teams and double acts in a film that spring to mind instantly.
Tomorrow I'll be back with Taxi Driver.
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