Mel Gibson is known for being William Wallace in Braveheart and also for being in many other films. Danny Glover is known for Saw and The colour purple. Lethal Weapon is about two cops who are paired with each other, have their differences and then end up fighting the same guy over a kidnapping. With the character portrayed by Mel Gibson being a slightly suicidal officer who jumps a suicidal man preparing to end his life by jumping on to an inflatable mat underneath the building without the consent of the jumper, with a crowd watching. Most people he meets he kills and yet he manages to save lives and close cases. He is better than Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry.
Glover is the poor guy that gets stuck with him, gives him his gun and tells him to kill himself and then watches as he so nearly almost does and then to top it all off, Gibson's character saves his life. The only real action comes after the kidnapping when there is a small amount of torture (but it really is minimal) and when the chase of good after bad starts to take off. The ending is a not the best and it seemed a little unrealistic that a man who has been tortured via some form of electrocution could beat a very physically fit man who has not had such things recently inflicted upon them but that wouldn't make a good ending so they went for the unrealistic ending.
There are four Lethal Weapon films so it was obviously a huge success and the ending didn't put anyone off. In no ways whatsoever is this film a bad film I just consider it to be a little overrated. It flowed, it didn't drag and there was action but there should have been more action in it. Nothing really stood out as the highlight of the film and nothing wanted to grab hold of my tiring eyes and make them stay awake for this film which says something about the movie. I get the feel that the Lethal Weapon trilogy is going to be like the Die Hard or Mission Impossible trilogies and having had both of them on the blog last year, how repetitive and boring they became stick firmly in my mind and I will have to wait for another year before watching another Lethal Weapon movie. I have no idea what the TV series is like or if it is even anything to do with these films but if it is then I am really missing something about this film.

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