Alec Guinness in an Ealing studios comedy. Appreciating film through the ages is one of the goals of this blog and becoming more familiar with the work of the greats (and Guinness is undeniably one of the greats) is the real reason behind this blog. Lots of films come out each year that are exciting and I want to watch but having the older films, the silent movies and the films in different languages helps to further my film education and give a purpose to this blog.
I hope that your linguistic skills are up to scratch because when Captain St.James (Guinness) is in Morocco he is speaking a different language (not french but I think Spanish) to his wife and then translating some things into English. This is a story about a man who manages to have two wives and captain a boat (The Golden Fleece) that travels between Gibraltar (wife one) and Morocco (wife two). Claiming that he has found the paradise of life living like this he works exceptionally hard to maintain his cover and make sure that neither wife discovers of the others existence but like with all affairs and movies, in the end something will go wrong and both of his wives become discontent with the life that he wants them to have and Nita (wife in Morocco) takes on a lover and then shoots the lover.

This film is the way in which to not treat women. Living two completely different lives works well for the Captain and he enjoys it but it doesn't work particularly well for the women. One woman never gets to go out and enjoy life properly and the other woman doesn't get to cook or do any of the quite things. Both end up leaving him and he is left with nothing because trying to restrict people into a box doesn't ever work out in the end but you have got to applaud his efforts, the way that he convinces one woman to not cook because it will ruin her nails, her face, her hair and just about everything else of any concern to her. I am slightly amazed at how gullible she is but it was funny to watch and to think that somewhere out there in the world there is a woman who refuses to cook on the principle of it ruining her looks.
The ending is superb and a twist. This film sums up the way that some people think and treat others. Slightly comical but very enjoyable. Alec Guinness is always a pleasure to watch!
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