Tris, Four and the others who escaped in the previous film finally make it out of the new revolution and over the fence, in to a new world. Tris is 'the chosen one' ( que star wars moment) and everyone else suffers from not being as wanted as she is. Jacob doesn't feature at all in the book but he features a lot in the film by being able to see what is going on inside the fence.
As always the main good guy- David is actually the bad guy and the entire story that they feed Tris about going and making things better is just a complete lie. You can't save everyone and you can't destroy an entire race just because some people are stronger than others. You shouldn't get to chose who lives and who dies and that is what this film is about. In a way it is a nice ending to the trilogy because Tris once again shows how useless and pathetic she is without Four there to make her better. Considering that they already changed so much of the story to accommodate Jacob, they could have just changed her character a little to make her less pathetic and someone actually worth watching but then again they were competing with 'The Hunger Games' which makes everything a lot harder.
Having watched the second and third film together I can say that I actually felt that this was the worst film and a bit of a let down. When the plot for two films is to get outside the fence, to overthrow the woman in charge completely and having done that it would have been better to leave it like that and let everyone read the book of Allegiance instead of making a film. It's a little anti-climatic in this film. So much build up towards the end of the second film for nothing to have been achieved and them to have to start almost everything again with a different enemy.
Four's mother is probably one of the worst characters in this film but I can see why they spent so much time making Jacobs role a lot bigger. Tris saves Jacob and takes him with her (even though he is a total idiot and should have died in the first or second book), even when he can't run or fight and generally is fairly useless. That sort of family relationship is what most siblings or families have but not Four and his mother. Four fights against his mother who is being a complete idiot and I really feel for this guy because his father beat him and his mother is attempting to execute people- what a family to have.
Probably one of the worst endings to a trilogy I have experienced and I definitely preferred the second film to this. The first one- Divergent, was the best and it went in order after that.