Knight and Day plays on Cameron Diaz being a 'dumb blonde' and Tom Cruise playing himself. It is funny but sometimes her character is so stupid that it is slightly unrealistic. Tom Cruise takes the guns and the enemies and actually manages to produce some clever stunts with a relatively decent plot line but he is still just being the same guy that we have become accustomed to seeing. So why should you watch this film? It's funny, at times. The driving is ridiculous and very unrealistic but apart from that it could become a possible situation except that they would be a lot more subtle about it and if she had really panicked that much then he would have smashed her phone and left her in a different country after drugging her instead of returning her to her house.
The plot isn't entirely predictable and she does turn in to something of a cool and strong character at the end but it takes her the entire film to stop being useless and pathetic which is a lot of a let down considering the time in which this film was released. All that I can say about this film is that I did actually enjoy it and I liked the scenery, which is more than I had intended to do. I want for Tom Cruise to stop playing action characters or himself and do something a lot better and stronger with his career but that seems a little unlikely. I also wish for Cameron Diaz to go out there and do a film which is surprising and is totally different to anything that we have seen from her because she is another who plays on her looks and generally is herself from start to finish.
All that I have learnt from this film is that when federal agents come to the door and use words such as 'safe' and 'secure' it means that they are going to kill me. However, having seen so many of these films I either must have a good understanding of how secret services operate (which is highly unlikely) or I have no idea at all and just assume them to be like how they are portrayed in films which would make these key words complete and utter nonsense.
Next up is Back to the Future 3, followed by Allegiant.

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