According to popular vote this is the favourite of the Back To The Future series and it is a huge step up from the previous film. The name of this film is probably a little inaccurate as 'Back to the past' probably would have been better suited with a trip of something like 100 years in the past for Marty to find his ancestor, who is of course Michael J Fox with a ginger wig and an acceptable Irish accent.
Cowboys, horses, fights, bars and a new time machine in the form of a train- this film has everything worthy of an action film and Marty finally gets over his insane desire to fight people when they call him a coward. Every time he fights he looks at this picture of a tombstone which says 'Clint Eastwood' (being from the future he takes on the name of Clint Eastwood) and realises that he has to change something so that he doesn't die and therefore have never lived.
There are many memorable scenes- Doc dancing with his woman, Doc saving the woman from the bridge (which is altering the past) and Marty fighting the ancestor of Biff. The villain always stays the same in the same way that the plot always stays the same. Marty's family is threatened by the family of Biff and Marty has to save his family, be that his father, son or ancestors. The failure from the second film of stopping Biff meant that they had to go back in time a lot more to prevent things from happening. Once you get used to the cowboys and the music returning to 'the future' seems really weird.
So much more enjoyable than the previous film and more memorable. I can understand why this is most people's favourite film out of the three. The scenery was lovely and there is absolutely no possibility of another film. The series has ended. Michael J Fox didn't need to go on and make another hit film because he will always be known as Marty McFly.

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