Tuesday 19 September 2017

I'm alright Jack

I promised that there would be a Peter Sellers film. This has been a little delayed and I apologise for that. On this blog we have realised that the older style of films, films that aren't necessarily silent or in black and white sometimes attract more people than the new releases. If you stumble across this blog because you want a movie recommendation or you want to learn a bit about films then reading one on a film that features Lawrence Olivier, Alec Guinness, Peter Sellers, Judi Dench or Maggie Smith are good ones to start with as they are world famous British actors who are considered to be 'greats'.

Until now the only Sellers films has been the Pink Panther series and that only shows the comical side to Peter Sellers instead of the full genius. To show how much of a genius he is the man is also joined by Richard Attenborough, who is deceased but had a fantastic life in film and will always be the man that I watch on Christmas Eve playing the role of Kris Kringle. It feels so good to have watched him in something else when he was younger. Now on to the film.

This film is a little weird. It starts off in a garden with a man in a suit and everyone else not wearing anything. I still haven't really worked out the significance of it except that at the start of the film he refuses to go near the naked women and at the end of the film, even though he runs away from the naked women he is in fact, naked himself. This guy manages to screw up almost every job opportunity that he has. He manages to lose his hat in a sweet factory and for it to come out looking like a large cake, he manages to seriously irritate the advertising and product company in the finance department and he manages to frustrate the construction team by driving a lifting machine badly and yet when it comes to sacking him the construction crew can't quite bring themselves to make that decision. This film is, according to Wikipedia 'a satire on British industrial life' and is a sequel to the film 'Private's Progress', which unfortunately was not included in my Peter Sellers box set because he did not feature in the film. However, he did win a BAFTA for best actor in this picture so there is a silver lining in every cloud.

I guess that this film is about the fall of one man from a slightly smug, complacent man to a hardworking man who realises that he is not above anyone else and has to work hard in order to gain anything in his life. At the start of the film he sees himself as above the naked people and he finds it to weird to be around them but by the end he has joined them and accepted this life for his own. I spent the entire movie looking out for Peter Sellers and I guess looking out for Inspector Cleuso but instead I found the same moustache but a much more hard working accent to go with a face which could have passed for being Peter Sellers. This man is naturally funny but this role wasn't intended to be as funny or as stupid and it worked really well for him. It's a comedy but I didn't find it funny at all. Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention to it but something about it just didn't draw me in as much as 'The Pink Panther' series did.

Take nothing away from the acting. Watching these guys when they are young and at their prime, doing something that the British did really well is priceless. This is a way to spend an evening and Richard Attenborough and Peter Sellers were both fantastic in this movie. There were moments when I could have laughed if I had been in the right mood for it but if you do watch it in a good mood and devote your attention to it then you are very likely to enjoy it. If you are like me and have little knowledge of British comedy and some of the greats then watch this film to receive a better education.
Image result for i'm alright jack

1 comment:

WordsPoeticallyWorth said...

Greetings from Chester. Thanks for the review. I'm sure I've seen the film.

Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

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