Aaron Eckhart as the President and Gerard Butler as an ex secret service man who is trusted with the operation of saving the life of the president and his son. Morgan Freeman as the acting president whilst all this is going on. When you read those names you think that in an action film these guys cant go wrong and you would be correct to assume so. It's been a while since Eckhart featured on this blog and it has been a while since he starred in a movie.
Give Butler a gun and let him go for it. It's another great film that is well thought out. This guy knows everything about the White House, every secret corridor and every back way. It makes sense that he can work his way around, get in to the White House, kill the terrorists, rescue the son, prevent the secretary from being shot and make it out of the White House with the President still alive.
I loved the child in this movie. Eckhart plays the controlled character who half attempts to save the lives of his coworkers but understands that there are more important things such as keeping a world safe. The control is something that we have often seen from this guy but the child playing Connor (Finley Jacobsen) is fantastic. This is by far the best thing that he has done and even though he wasn't a solid feature in this movie he held the line, he didn't complain, he didn't panic and he was the type of child that any parent would want in a situation like that. He could have been the next Bruce Wayne and probably should have been considered for the role in 'Gotham'.
This is one of the better action movies that they have made within the last four years. It wasn't comical and it was trying to be serious but not science fiction. There was a plot, they stuck to it and they worked to everyone's strengths. Watching something like this helps to convince me that they can make good action films, with a plot and a strong cast that don't need the comedy.

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