Monday 30 June 2014


If you're getting excited and thinking that Esther has finally put up another post... she hasn't. It's just that i'm on her computer so this post will appear as Esther and not me.

I watched Carousel last week. Being a Rodgers and Hammerstein, it had to be on the list! I considered it an insult to my education if i hadn't seen the film and didn't know any of the music (despite the fact that I have an orchestral score in my room!)
I was kinda disappointed with it. I know that it's different to the sound of music, but the sound of music had so many great songs. I know from playing Tension that it had at least ten really good songs in it. Although the plot is interesting enough with Carousel, there were, for me no memorable songs. No songs that I walked around humming after i had finished watching the film. There was the odd blockbuster type song, but most of it was soloist aria type songs that although were beautiful, lacked the same feel as something like 16 going on 17.

Any musical fans? If you disagree feel free to post. It may be a film that you need to watch more than once. I remember the plot and I remember most of the film, so it's definitely not a bad film, it's just... lacking (In my opinion.) I know that it's dated and I know that the sound of music was the last one that they did but they could've done better with the music. Oklahoma (which is their first musical) has at least one blockbuster tune which is Oklahoma. The king and I has a lot of memorable tunes: Getting to know you and Shall we dance (1,2,3 and) are a few of them. (it's been a while since i watched it or performed it so the music isn't fresh in my mind). I haven't seen south pacific so can't comment on it. I just felt that they should've managed at least one really memorable tune in their musical.

Overall- a lovely film and a memorable film (but not the music!).

Monday 23 June 2014

LA Confidential

An exceptionally good film about corrupt police officers staring Russel Crowe, Guy Pearce and Danny Devito.
Guy Pearce is outstanding in his role, giving off the appearance of being a young guy eager to impress and do the right thing. He would testify against other police officers to climb higher up the ladder. When the film starts off you get the feeling that it's him against Russel Crowe, but it doesn't finish that way.

Absolutely brilliant performance from everyone involved to make a very interesting and almost slightly moving film. It won two awards and I can understand why!

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Oreo... Oreo

So Wreck it Ralph is one of the few children's films on this list. I had seen bits of it but not the whole thing, so needless to say that i didn't understand about Oreo's.

I thought that five years ago or more, they had made every good children's film that they were ever going to make and that they should really stop making bad films like toy story three, Shrek 4 and the Santa clause three. Then they made Up, Cloudy with a chance of meatballs, Despicable me, Mega mind, Despicable me 2, wreck it Ralph, tangled, brave and Frozen and needless to say that i was very wrong.

All of those films are fantastic films. What I liked most about wreck it Ralph was that it was about old fashioned games. I've recently got back into snake, tetras and tron, so watching a film about old game machines in the modern day world is great. Some of you may be thinking that the tron films do that, so what's my point? Wreck it Ralph brings you back to the era of original Pokemon Red and super Mario land.

I really enjoyed watching wreck it Ralph, as something different to what was being released that year. I would recommend watching it if you haven't seen it, or if you have and you want to watch it again, it's easy to watch over and over again.

Monday 9 June 2014


A covert operation to safely transport six american citizens out of Iran in a time of crisis and rebellion.
Using a film called Argo as cover, Ben Afleck flies to Iran and escorts his directing team out of Iran and safely to Canada.

Back in 2012 this was one of the big films along with Django Unchained, Les Miserables and Life of Pie that was nominated for just about every award thinkable. It won at least one Oscar and one BAFTA, so it didn't do too badly.

At the start of the film i thought i was about to start watching Persepolis again. The film has a feel a bit like Inside man, in that a lot of people in a big building get taken hostage. It is very easy to try and compare Argo to the other films that were being released at the time. Lincoln was released at the same time and Argo isn't as interesting as Lincoln and those two films are probably the best ones to compare to of that year. Lincoln had an easier feel to it, perhaps more interesting. Argo is an attempt to be different, while keeping the same kind of plot that is popular in america. CIA or FBI operations that have to go undercover. Unfortunately Miss Congeniality has already been done, so they needed something different to make this film appealing.
For what it is, it's a good film, I just felt that it was a bit predictable and obvious. It wasn't funny or a particularly moving display of acting from Afleck (unlike Day-Lewis in Lincoln), but for what it was, it was a good enough film.

There is no reason to not watch this film, but also no reason to make sure that you do see it before you die- I can't see that it would greatly effect your life by watching it or not watching it.

Saturday 7 June 2014

Repo Men

A slightly Bizarre film that makes you think twice about having artificial limbs.
Having artificial limbs is like having a mortgage on a property... monthly installments, if you don't pay, then the bank claim it.

Having been a repo man, he ends his job when he injures himself on a job and needs an artificial heart. He starts to see a different side to life and wants to become a different person, so he quits his job as a repo man. Then the bank come calling...

Jude Law is awesome in this film. He takes you through the whole process or removing the limbs from the body. His transformation from killer to sensitive human being is one to be proud of. It's another completely different film to the ones that i have been watching lately and i enjoyed it very much.

It's worth watching!

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Part 2

Godfather part 2

Not quite as good as the first one, but still a very good film. I'm looking forward to watching the third and final part, although i suspect that it won't be anywhere near as good because it doesn't seem to make any of the top 50 lists.

Still has the beautiful scenery and of course the same cast. The GodFather may be dead, but his son is doing as good a job as any to make this film an exciting film to watch. There's less swearing than other gangster films such as Scarface and it's even less messed up and confusing than both Scarface and Goodfellas. Actually, the plot is quite simple to understand, so long as you have seen the first part of the trilogy, which is by far the best film out of the lot so I can't understand why you wouldn't watch it!

I realise that these posts are getting boring- that's because no one talks to us so we don't bother to make it interesting cos we're just publishing our thoughts to an empty box.
If you want something more interesting, let us know! Comment on the post!

I'll be back

Terminator was on the list. I've also found it on many lists of 100 greatest films, so it was my addition to the list when we sat down and wrote the list back in january.

It's an ok film, but I only mean ok. It wasn't thrilling or particularly exciting. Arnold Schwartzneger comes in a kills some people and that's basically it.
It could've had more of a storyline and more decent one liners other than 'I'll be back'. I just don't see why it was put on a list of 100 greatest films.
Feel free to criticise me- it'll be more of a response than we have had so far.

Monday 2 June 2014

A Few things O Godfather

So before I properly start this post I want to say a few things.
1) I have watched Akira but don't want to post on it... hope that's ok. I didn't particularly enjoy watching it, but it is a good Anime and feel free to watch it, there is no reason why you shouldn't enjoy it.
2) I couldn't find Office Space anywhere online so i've scrapped it off the list.
3) I will post about 400 blows at some point- I've only seen ten mins or so of it at the moment though as i found the adverts on the site disturbing and closed the site!
4) I have watched other films that weren't on the list such as Munich, A Beautiful Mind and Maleficent, so if you want me to post about them please let me know!
5) I'm posting a lot at the moment because I have had a few weeks off work and have had the time to watch two films a day if i've wanted to.

So now to the general post which is on 'The Godfather'.
I think that this film was on every list of greatest films or must watch films that i've been through, which says how highly people rate this film. Made in something like 1975, it is of course about the mafia.

I really loved the first part of this trillogy. It is a definite must watch film before you die. It's not got any great lines that people will walk around quoting, but it's reasonably accurate (although the mafia would probably disagree) and very well scripted. It has a great soundtrack of Italian music which of course features a mandolin and some very beautiful scenery! I can't wait to watch the next part (tomorrow), which was not on the list for this year, but I don't care!

If you haven't seen it... watch it, you wont regret it!

Sunday 1 June 2014

Silver Lining Playbooks

Another film with Bradley Cooper in.
I saw Silver Lining playbooks a few weeks ago and forgot to write a post on it, so now i'm writing the post for it.

Bradley Cooper is once again magnificent in his performance of a man who gets released from a hospital for patients that need psychiatric help. He learns to dance with that woman from the Hunger Games and that is the highlight of the film... when he realises that he isn't in love with his ex-wife and that actually he is instead in love with his dance partner.

Robert Di Niro is his gambling father who places a bet on the football and on his sons ability to dance...
Enjoy the film!