Monday 2 June 2014

A Few things O Godfather

So before I properly start this post I want to say a few things.
1) I have watched Akira but don't want to post on it... hope that's ok. I didn't particularly enjoy watching it, but it is a good Anime and feel free to watch it, there is no reason why you shouldn't enjoy it.
2) I couldn't find Office Space anywhere online so i've scrapped it off the list.
3) I will post about 400 blows at some point- I've only seen ten mins or so of it at the moment though as i found the adverts on the site disturbing and closed the site!
4) I have watched other films that weren't on the list such as Munich, A Beautiful Mind and Maleficent, so if you want me to post about them please let me know!
5) I'm posting a lot at the moment because I have had a few weeks off work and have had the time to watch two films a day if i've wanted to.

So now to the general post which is on 'The Godfather'.
I think that this film was on every list of greatest films or must watch films that i've been through, which says how highly people rate this film. Made in something like 1975, it is of course about the mafia.

I really loved the first part of this trillogy. It is a definite must watch film before you die. It's not got any great lines that people will walk around quoting, but it's reasonably accurate (although the mafia would probably disagree) and very well scripted. It has a great soundtrack of Italian music which of course features a mandolin and some very beautiful scenery! I can't wait to watch the next part (tomorrow), which was not on the list for this year, but I don't care!

If you haven't seen it... watch it, you wont regret it!

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