Tuesday 10 June 2014

Oreo... Oreo

So Wreck it Ralph is one of the few children's films on this list. I had seen bits of it but not the whole thing, so needless to say that i didn't understand about Oreo's.

I thought that five years ago or more, they had made every good children's film that they were ever going to make and that they should really stop making bad films like toy story three, Shrek 4 and the Santa clause three. Then they made Up, Cloudy with a chance of meatballs, Despicable me, Mega mind, Despicable me 2, wreck it Ralph, tangled, brave and Frozen and needless to say that i was very wrong.

All of those films are fantastic films. What I liked most about wreck it Ralph was that it was about old fashioned games. I've recently got back into snake, tetras and tron, so watching a film about old game machines in the modern day world is great. Some of you may be thinking that the tron films do that, so what's my point? Wreck it Ralph brings you back to the era of original Pokemon Red and super Mario land.

I really enjoyed watching wreck it Ralph, as something different to what was being released that year. I would recommend watching it if you haven't seen it, or if you have and you want to watch it again, it's easy to watch over and over again.

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