A host of stars- Toby Jones, Bill Nighy, Tom Courtenay and Michael Gambon lead the line in spectacular fashion. If Michael Gambon was leading on that he was gay in the film 'Quartet', he is definitely doing so now. Joined in the back wings by Catherine Zeta-Jones and Ian Lavender (the man who originally played Pike).
A die hard fan would be able to pull out any faults in this film, citing that it was neither particularly accurate nor funny enough. The humour was well written in so that it wasn't a stand up comedy or film purely based on one line gags or constant jokes. It was, for all intensive purposes, a film with some jokes and comedy in it. Often with comedy like this there is a tendancy to play for the laughs, to write things in that are blatantly obvious, that you can see coming from a mile away and because of that aren't very funny. Dad's Army managed to avoid falling in to all those wholes and made a very good film instead of a poor attempt at comedy.
Yes, you could spot the spy from a mile away but letting it play out and seeing how the spy would cover themselves was worth it's weight in gold- priceless. Relax into the film, let yourself enjoy it and appreciate it for what it is. The characters were cast as close to the original cast as possible and not because they were the best actors that they could find. It's something to be admired in every way.