He's back... again... for another film of the same idea running round on loop. Jeremy Irons takes over from Alan Rickman, as this is a direct follow on from the original Die Hard, as the brother. Gotta love the Brits putting on German accents, dying their hair and trying to be really angry.
This time Samuel L Jackson teams up with Bruce Willis instead of against him and is fantastic as a slightly racist character. When he is talking to Jeremy Irons on the phone at towards the start of the film he is hilarious. Once you have seen him in Pulp Fiction you would not expect anything less than what you get from his character. A union like this would have been the start of a fantastic friendship which could have helped the next two films blossom but I highly doubt that it was continued. By the time they made Die Hard 4.0 Samuel L Jackson was busy making at least two films a year and probably couldn't be tied down to continue his hilarious character of 'Zeus'.

So what can I say about this film that I haven't said before about the previous two films? Same kind of plot- McClean has to save the day but this time with some help instead of the police department rejecting his help and him having to do it all by himself. Even though it was the same as the previous two films in many ways (the bombing of schools, blowing up trains etc) I just felt like the approach to the plot was different and should be praised. So far I have watched three Mission Impossible films and they have all had the exact same plot- set up, people die, the use of the masks, he wins in the end. This Die Hard film didn't have the same plot as the previous two Die Hard films. Yes, it had a lot in common with the first one but it had its differences.
Tomorrow will be Dad's Army (the film released earlier this academic year).
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