Sticking strictly to the film his performance was for most of the film unemotional and lacking. With the plot being about an angel that comes to guide the dead to heaven, ends up in a hospital guiding a man and falling in love with a doctor- you could then say that it is fair for his performance to lack emotion. Angels can't bleed and don't feel anything so his performance was very passive- almost Tears for Fears like in Mad World but when he became human the performance hardly changed and that was disappointing. The most emotion that we got out of him was after she had died- he cried. Normally when people lose a loved one they drink, scream, cry their hearts out and generally make a lot of noise or throw things- he did none of that really.
The film didn't have any emotions running through it. Meg Ryan was the standout performer. When she got angry you could see it, she responded like a human and she was really the only outlet of emotion in what otherwise was a completely emotionless film. If you had taken a lot of drugs, were on a come down and were about to die then that is probably what this film would feel like. He set the bar very low- he can do a lot better- he was a lot better in Corelli's mandolin.
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