Now back to the film. Reading the back I didn't recognise a single name but after watching it I realised that I knew Colin Salmon for Arrow and Tomorrow Never Dies. You can't miss his voice or his face- his voice is bold and very distinctive. Constantly unsure of what to make of his characters, there seems to reason to change anything- better to keep you guessing and therefore keep you engaged. Was he good, was he bad, was he just a character that thought he knew more than he did? By the end of the film the answers to those questions were still unclear to me.
What AVP has is a Tomb Raider feel. They have their main woman, Sanaa Lathan (who was superb) and although she is no Angelina Jolie she took on a similar role, with more of a team feel to her character and she carried it off superbly. The end was moving (maybe not as moving as when Lara Croft turns the knife around to save Alex West's life) but even so, it was a lovely end to the film that really summed up the film and the character.
There is nothing like this film. I can find films that I would put in the same category but I can't find anything that I can directly compare to. Tomb Raider is the closest I can find and even that can only be compared because of the journey that they set out on. The idea that in a temple full of aliens there are forces waiting to kill the aliens and are equipped to do so is a nice thought. It's not an invasion of the earth because they don't try to annihilate the human race. Humans working with predators to destroy a common enemy is different and certainly in 2004 there was nothing quite like AVP.
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