Gru gets married and this film is him understanding that his family is the most important thing to him. After loosing his job he discovers that he has a rich twin brother and that his dad was a super villain. Gru goes back to being a villain but only so that he can return to being a good guy again. That sounds weird but the enemy in this film is called Balthazar Brat, a child actor who got upset when he hit puberty and his tv series was cut by Hollywood. He is exactly the type of villain that you would expect to find in one of these films- ridiculous shoulder pads and hair, dancing to Michael Jackson and blowing gum.
A blonde, slightly more camp Gru is called Dru (Drew) and definitely not as good a villain as Gru- so if you thought that Gru was a terrible villain in the first film then you are mistaken. The minions rebel and take control of the prison after wining a singing competition. Of course, in the end they break out of prison to help Gru and Dru save Hollywood from giant Balthazar Brat and of course, save the girls who were once again kidnapped by the villain of the film.
The gadgets are cool, the car is cool and the soundtrack is brilliant. Gru being a villain is fantastic and having the golden car and other things at his disposal means that he gets to show what he could have been like had he not have been raised by his mother and left to work with someone who managed to freeze themselves in carbonite. Everything that you enjoyed about each of the films before this one is shown in this film. I wouldn't say that it is the best film because I still feel like the first one was the best but they have all been good and enjoyable. Gru is the best thing that Steve Carrel has ever done with his career.
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