Friday 7 July 2017

Now You See Me 2

The first film was incredible. The second film should be just as good because it still has most of the previous cast but adds in a small part for Daniel Radcliffe which is always nice.

The first film was about magicians but this film seems to be more about the group and their leader trying to make a living for themselves and sorting out how to stop Morgan Freeman from getting his own back on them. I have to say this up front- some of the stunts, especially with the card, is just ridiculous and not physically possible and yes I mean the laws of physics.

I am just loving watching Mark Ruffalo's career unfold. In the last 5+ years he has done a phenomenal amount of good films and I often wonder how he manages to pull it off each year. He's been around for a while and been in known films such as 'Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind' made in 2004 but his career really took off after taking on 'Bruce Banner', 'Begin again' and 'Now You See Me'. He is still, probably the standout performer in this film. Watching Daniel Radcliffe attempt to beat up Mark Ruffalo was never going to work because Daniel Radcliffe isn't threatening but full credit for trying.

Michael Caine in a little cameo towards the end was another fantastic twist in this film. I actually love these films. Like Ocean's Eleven, this film has the sort of magical feel and will have a special place in my heart for when I needed an excuse to watch films and eat cake. You think that you know this film, that you have it worked out but you don't. If you take that attitude and stop paying attention you will have no idea when it ends or why it ends. Now You See Me 2 is so well written. It's not as spectacular on the eyes as the first film was but that was what attracted you to the film in the first place. Now you have watched the first film you need a clever plot and some more development in these films to make it all better and help you to really get in to the feel of these films. If you are going to make a sequel then this is how it should be!
Image result for now you see me 2

1 comment:

crumblingforgottenmemories said...

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