Wednesday 19 July 2017

Spider-Man: Homecoming

The much anticipated and long time coming new Spider-Man film. Andrew Garfield was okay as Spider-Man but the second film was so rubbish and they turned his character in to one that felt like 'Sam' from 'Transformers' i.e a sweaty teenage boy who was a little egotistical. Glad to say that because of the way that the marvel universe is going, this film was never intended to be part of a stand alone series like the other Spider-Man films and therefore there is less focus on Peter Parker and his ego and more focus on Spider-Man and his development with the assistance of Tony Stark.

Tom Holland looks like he could be the face of Spider-Man for a while. His body is one of someone who is not 14 (obviously) but his face looks  young enough for them to get by and to suggest that he has a few films ahead of him if they so wish to include his character in more films. Everything in this film is a slight twist on any other Spider-Man film and I did leave the room grinning at the end of the film because of the twist. M.J is probably the best character in the entire film and it is so nice to see that films are actually trying to be ethnically diverse.

I have to get this rant out there now. I do object a little to the suit that he has. At the end of the film we do see signs that he has natural powers and he does talk about being bitten by a spider in the film but most of the emphasis was on this suit that Stark gave him which enabled him to do so much more with his webs but again, the webs were something that we see him making in school lessons and so I wonder if they are implying that the only power he was given from the spider was strength and weird grip. In a world full of powers we really don't need another terrible Batman film by emphasising the technology too much and ignoring the powers. Iron Man doesn't have any powers and he is almost the marvel equivalent of Batman but every team has one and no one needs another on their team.

Apart from all that it was a very good film. I liked it a lot more than I was expecting to but I was told that it was the bets film that had been released this year and in my opinion it is not better than Wonder Woman. I look forward to seeing Spider-Man feature a lot more in the marvel universe as there could be a bright future for this character. Probably the best marvel film released this year but I didn't see 'Logan' so I cannot compare it to anything.
Image result for spider-man homecoming

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