Monday 12 January 2015

A highly overrated film

There are many things that this could relate to but today's chosen topic is 'The Forbidden Kingdom'.
I had high hopes for this film considering that it had Jackie Chan and Jet Li in it but it just went to the dogs from the start. The role of the monkey warrior is purely aweful- it's like the guy just smoked too much all the time. The special stuff that they did with the effects was just aweful. Is it too much to ask that I can just watch a film about kung fu without any of the extra crap? I want to see fighting without technical effects and a decent film about kung fu with reasonable characters. Bullet Proof Monk is a much better film because it teaches kung fu and has a decent plot without all this extra rubbish-y effects in the middle.

Rant over.
Jackie Chan's display of martial arts was once again top class and i simply loved his character that couldn't function without wine.
It's also good to see the kid from sky high progress (even if it is in small steps) to something ever so slightly more real.
I loved the scenery. I liked a lot of things about this film and I am sure that had this film have had a decent plot then i would've loved it a lot more than tolerating it in extreme parts.


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