A sensitive topic that brought out an exceptionally good film.
Blood Diamonds revitalized Leonardo DiCaprio's career after it had been epic-ly destroyed by Titanic. Yeah i know that this was made in 2006 and so he had made other films by that point but this is a turning point in his career after Titanic- no i've not seen catch me if you can.
Jenifer Connelly who we should all know from the film Labyrinth shows the world of her true abilities by staring as a journalist. Her role is sublime and she draws out the nature of a journalist but also shows the good side to them to.
Djimmon Hounsou is someone that i can't compare because i've not seen another film that he has been in but i can say that he was excellent. The man who has lost his family will do anything to get it back but understands clearly that working for the wrong people will only lead to death. No double crossing, just a desire to get what he wants in the best and most honest way possible. Determination and bravery make him on a level with Don Cheadle in Hotel Rowanda, moving and always swaying the audience.
Not a film that i would watch again but a film that was truly moving and thoroughly deserving of the five academy award nominations that it received.
I think that out of choice I probably wouldn't watch it again but it is a film that everyone should watch. Filmed to perfection with music that complimented it, there is nothing bad about this film.
Blood Diamonds revitalized Leonardo DiCaprio's career after it had been epic-ly destroyed by Titanic. Yeah i know that this was made in 2006 and so he had made other films by that point but this is a turning point in his career after Titanic- no i've not seen catch me if you can.
Djimmon Hounsou is someone that i can't compare because i've not seen another film that he has been in but i can say that he was excellent. The man who has lost his family will do anything to get it back but understands clearly that working for the wrong people will only lead to death. No double crossing, just a desire to get what he wants in the best and most honest way possible. Determination and bravery make him on a level with Don Cheadle in Hotel Rowanda, moving and always swaying the audience.
Not a film that i would watch again but a film that was truly moving and thoroughly deserving of the five academy award nominations that it received.
I think that out of choice I probably wouldn't watch it again but it is a film that everyone should watch. Filmed to perfection with music that complimented it, there is nothing bad about this film.
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