Sunday 25 January 2015


I have to admit that i hadn't heard of this film until i was given it for Christmas.
Ray is about Ray Charles, the genius that created a fusion to make new soul music. We think of Ray as more of swing but he merged jazz with gospel and blues to create popular soul music.

Jamie Foxx stars as Ray Charles in this film. I had seen him in Dream Girls so I knew that he had a background in this stuff and could pull it off but i had no idea that he could sing like that! The performance is out of this world! I kinda wanna ask Sir Tom Jones just how accurate the portrayal is because i am not old enough to know what Ray Charles was like but a certain Sir Jones performed with Ray Charles and could tell us instantly how close Jamie Foxx's depiction of him is.

I am watching the extended edition which is something that i wouldn't advise to anyone if they haven't already seen the film. I am use to watching extended editions that flow smoothly between the cut scenes and the actual used footage but this doesn't. It seems like the disk is skipping every time the film cuts into one of the deleted scenes. It's frustrating to have the flow of the film disrupted and at times hard to follow the plot because the cut scenes aren't necessarily corresponding with what is going on, they are flashbacks but the previous scene hasn't necessarily given any indication of a flashback happening.

I know that Jamie Foxx won the academy award for best actor but the leading women also deserves an award. A magnificent performance throughout from her, moving and emotional.
Terrence Howard is also in this film and of course we all know him from Iron Man where he is awesome. His character is a miser and not particularly well liked but he plays it well. It's good to see him in something that probably made less money that Iron Man.

Thoroughly enjoyed and definitely something to watch over and over again!

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