Saturday 3 January 2015

The last Samurai

So for those who have spotted a pattern in my choice of director- yes i did do it intentionally. Blood Diamond and the last samurai are in fact directed by the same man.
Two contrastingly different films which is what i like to see from a director. I remember saying that Blood Diamond was a very good film but not a film that i would watch again. I can't decide if the last samurai is a film that i would watch again but i will say that i probably wouldn't watch it on loop. It is of course a fantastic film and Tom Cruise is perfect in the role of american captain in Japan.
Every quality about good and evil that is essential to make a film better than good and turn it in to truly genius is in this film. The deaths are moving, the character downfalls are surrounded by the rising of other characters and every sad moment is matched by just as strong happy moments.
I said that i wouldn't watch it on loop and some of you may be thinking how that is possible when i have just said all those thins about it so i will explain. It is a long film, 2hrs 27 mins and it feels long. It is not a film that drags on but at the same time there are parts of the film that feel long, it doesn't always flow and that can really be the difference between a short film and a long film. The longer that films drag on for, the harder they are to follow and it is harder to truly appreciate them.

I don't want to take anything away from this film and certainly not from the role of Timothy Spall who was magnificent and his character really swelled as the film developed.
The shots of the blossom on the tree were beautiful and the director did everything right with this film, i can't fault it for anything- it just didn't have the feel of something like bullet proof monk or crouching tiger hidden dragon. The mood was more serious and it was dealing with something more serious and for that i commend it but i think that that was the reason as to why i would not add it to my collection of films. It is a film that you may watch on the odd occasion where you really feel like watching it but i don't think that i will have that desire regularly.

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