Saturday 14 March 2015

Citizen Khane

The 1941 story about Charles Foster Kane.
Black and White (obviously) and  very much a typical film of that time. Citizen Kane tells about the life of a man who was at one time very much loved in America and thought to have the world at his feet until he did something scandalous and sacrificed it all for someone/something.

I found it a hard film to follow. It was as if i was listening to a news bulletin with little clips of his life in between. I wouldn't call it a film- more of a documentary about his life. If they had 10 o'clock news on BBC back in 1941 then that is what i thought that i was watching as i watched this film last night.

I have to admit that i find black and white movies with talking in much harder to watch than silent movies. In silent movies the acting has to be superb to get the story across to the audience. There are very few films that i have seen in black and white which have made me want to watch them over and over again. There is something missing, i don't know if it is sometimes the genius of someone's facial expressions or the quality of filming but something within the move to colour technology has made it almost impossible to really enjoy black and white movies. The more i watch them, the more i think that the likes of Keira Knightly and Orlando Bloom would be well suited to those type of films- films for people who look pretty but can't actually act at all.

If any of you have seen this film then please tell me what you thought of it.

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